Thumbs Up If You Are Sick Of These Commercials!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

CLASSIC Activia Commercials

If this commercial doesn't bother you, you're weird. Sure, it's cool that they have a yogurt to help with digestion but come on... why did Jamie Lee Curtis even say yes to shooting the commercials? Is her constipation so bad that she has to announce it...over and over and over again?

I am SICK of this commercial! Plenty of other people find it funny, and many parodies have been made. SNL even did a skit. (sorry about the quality, if you can find a better link please let me know!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...


New here.

I'm sick of that commercial, too. Hearing Jamie Lee Curtis utter the words: "Bifudus Regularus" makes me giggle every time.