To simplify things, I'm putting these videos in order from Funny, to just plain creepy.
1. Hawaii Chair- You can get fit while you sit, or get a hernia.
I wouldn't so much call this one annoying, rather hilarious. Are these people serious? How many times did it take them to shoot that commercial?
Well to make things even funnier, I've added a clip of Ellen Degeneres showing off her Hawaii Chair. Must watch! After the video, watch Ellen's reviews on a lot of infomercial products.
2. Tiddy Bear- Cute bear to wear on your tiddy...I mean seat belt.
3. The Snuggie- The blanket with sleeves! The blanket with sleeves that has a lot of people making fun of it. The blanket with sleeves that now makes blankets with sleeves for dogs. The blanket with sleeves that needs to die.
The WTF Blanket (Snuggie Parody)... I think these people have it right on.
4. Nads (Old infomercial, made in '99.) I think this product is discontinued, thankfully. I remember though, my mom actually bought this stuff, and it did nothing but make a sticky mess. Tasted good though! (I remember the lady eating it, because its all natural! All natural BS! Here's a bearded lady telling her amazing Nad's story.
To keep people's browers from crashing, I will be continuing this post with a part II. Stay tuned!
1 comment:
For more on bad commercials, visit Pointless Planet! I think you'll especially like the take on Snuggie here:
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