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Monday, August 24, 2009

The Local Channel Wars

This entry is just a silly (and very true) story. Since this blog is based on commercials, I figured maybe this story would fit in. Anyway, I live in Terre Haute, Indiana, along with fifty-some thousand people. There are two local channels. They hate each other. I know it's normal for stations to compete to try to get more viewers, but this is different. It's ugly. It's a never ending commercial war about how one station is better than the other. Both channels air particular commercials that are so ridiculous, because the simple fact that is it obviously made to keep the feud going. The following situation happened a while back, but I always get a laugh about the whole thing. I hope you do too.

Here's the commercial that started it all: (Well the media attention)

So while WTWO was sticking it's tongue out at WTHI, the media began to catch on. That's when The Daily Show's Jon Stewart made a few comments that pissed WTWO off. Here's what he said:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Weather Game in Terre Haute, Indiana
Daily Show
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None of this situation was ever mentioned on WTWO, as far as I know. So now they're out for revenge. Since they can't use fowl language on air, they put this video on YouTube in response to The Daily Show.

So now it's back to the same ol' thing. Both stations hating each other, always trying to outwit each other, and giving the locals a laugh. If you want to read more about these shenanigans, click here.

All I can do is shake my head.